Equity and Social Justice
Research + Design
As disparities and inequities widen, the College of Environmental Design is committed to practices that empower those who often have the least voice. We engage with neighboring communities, public agencies, nonprofits, industry, and government to advance environmental design as a vehicle for equity and social justice.
Jun 5, 2024
Advanced Urban Design & Planning Studio: Golden Gate Fields
Three studios considered the redevelopment of the Golden Gate Fields sites along the East Bay shoreline.
May 30, 2024
PhD candidate wins two prestigious fellowships for research into road safety in the age of Uber Eats
Cheng-Kai (Kai) Hsu’s findings highlight the need for regulatory oversight to protect vulnerable gig workers and the public.
May 21, 2024
Berkeley Rupp Prize awarded to architect Sandhya Naidu Janardhan, founder of Community Design Agency
Naidu Janardhan, a leader in community-led design and sustainable architecture, will be in residence at the College of Environmental Design during the fall 2024 semester.
May 20, 2024
2024 Lau Grants for Just Climate Futures awarded
This year’s projects focus on neighborhood energy-sharing strategies, flood adaptation in unincorporated areas, and heat and pollution in urbanizing towns.
May 20, 2024
Terner Center creates new tool to study housing affordability in California
Terner Center study creates interactive map on housing affordability in California, asking an essential question: How affordable is California to the people who would live there if they could?
May 17, 2024
Ron Rael talks to Arch Daily about the future of architecture
In an interview published in Arch Daily, Ron Rael shares his views on the potential of AI, material culture, the role of the architect in society, architectural education, sustainability, and more.
May 6, 2024
Forest to frame: Paul Mayencourt bridges forest management and sustainable construction
Paul Mayencourt is prototyping sustainable construction materials and methods in the Wood Lab, including a solar kiln.
Mar 22, 2024
Danika Cooper uses tools of landscape architecture to visualize a decolonized U.S.
In new research, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning Danika Cooper explores how drawing and mapping — the graphic tools of her discipline — can provide actionable strategies toward an anticolonial, antiracist future. She demonstrates that these methods of visual communication can both document Indigenous dispossession and make claims for land-based reparations.
Mar 20, 2024
New research on climate resilience, environmental justice to be presented at CED
An exhibition and lecture reveal innovative research into climate solutions by CED faculty.
Jan 21, 2024
Max Buchholz, who focuses on urban inequality, joins the Department of City & Regional Planning
The Department of City & Regional Planning is delighted to welcome urban and economic geographer Max Buchholz, whose work on metropolitan growth promises to advance more equitable urban futures though its impact on policy and planning.
Dec 15, 2023
CED’s Social Justice Corps Changes Lives
In this video, Arcus Social Justice Corps Fellows speak to the community-building power and industry-shifting impact of the program.
Dec 12, 2023
Charisma Acey named Arcus Chair in Social Justice and the Built Environment
The five-year appointment recognizes and supports Acey’s work in environmental justice, both locally in the East Bay and in African cities.
Oct 30, 2023
Danielle Rivera’s work on low-income communities’ recovery after disasters honored by JAPA
Rivera’s prize-winning article argues that engaging local histories of racism and prejudice in Texas’s Río Grande Valley is key to redressing post-disaster inequities.
Sep 27, 2023
Inaugural Lau Grants for Just Climate Futures awarded
This new grant program supports cross-disciplinary projects led by CED faculty that aim to reduce the impacts of climate change. This year’s funded projects forge innovations in climate resilience through explorations in building technologies and materials, housing security, water access, and community-based climate visualizations. These projects stood out from the field of applications for their impact on underserved communities and their capacity to have actionable environmental outcomes.
Sep 18, 2023
Terner Labs, HUD team up to host events on affordable housing
On September 25, Terner Labs hosts the inaugural symposium, The Search for Affordable Rental Housing, a deep dive into how technology is helping and hurting individuals who are seeking affordable rental housing.
Sep 11, 2023
In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Raymond Lifchez (1932–2023), pioneer of universal design
Professor Emeritus of Architecture and City & Regional Planning Raymond (Ray) Lifchez has passed away at age 90. Lifchez made a deep and lasting impact on the College of Environmental Design (CED), UC Berkeley, and the world through his teaching, advocacy for accessible design, and philanthropy.
Aug 28, 2023
Berkeley Rupp Prize awarded to Sierra Bainbridge, co-founder of MASS Design Group
CED announces Sierra Bainbridge as the recipient of the 2023–2024 Berkeley Rupp Prize. Bainbridge, an award-winning landscape architect and a co-founder of MASS Design Group, has worked at the forefront of initiatives that explore the role of design in cultural and environmental healing.
Aug 3, 2023
MArch student, Arcus Fellow Vanessa Giraldo awarded SmithGroup JEDI scholarship
Vanessa Giraldo, CED MArch student and Arcus Fellow, among five students selected for a 2023 SmithGroup Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Scholarship.
Jul 3, 2023
African Ancestors Memorial Garden designed by Walter Hood opens in Charleston
The public park and garden surrounding the new International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina, is a sacred space that pays homage to the profound history of the African diaspora.