CED Undergraduate Student Council
The mission of the CED Undergraduate Student Council (UgSC) is to represent the undergraduate student body within the College; address the needs of undergraduate peers through service; provide representation on College committees; and advocate for the undergraduate student population in CED to faculty and administration. UgSC is affectionally pronounced /UHG-see/.
Read UgSC’s statement on George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.
Basic responsibilities include:
- Bi-weekly or monthly (depending on council consensus) council meetings.
- Council meeting with the Dean and Associate Dean of Undergrduate Education minimum of once per semester.
- All other tasks developed in one’s annual term.
Structure of Council (Subject to change by council’s will by consensus):
1 to 2 representatives per academic major in CED
- 1-2 representatives for Architecture
- 1-2 representatives for Landscape Architecture
- 1-2 representatives for Sustainable Environmental Design
- 1-2 representatives for Urban Studies
- 1-2 representatives for Individual Major
UgSC Staff
- Contact us at cedugsc@berkeley.edu
- CalLink Website: https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/UgSC-CED