IT + Computing
Computing at CED is distributed throughout the building, in computer labs, design studios, and other areas. Students have access to 152 computer systems, 20 plotters, 11 color and eight black-and-white laser printers, two photo-quality printers, and one photo-quality plotter. Tabloid scanners are available in the computer labs and on each studio floor, a large-scale scanner is located in the Student Tech Center, and industrial paper cutters are provided in studios. Finally, CED provides many other computer-related peripheral technologies, such as Cloud Laser Printing, a server-based Rendering Farm, and after-hour access to the PaperCut printing management system.
The Student Technology Services (STS) on campus provides technical support or students’ personal computers. The STS has locations in Doe Library, Eshelman Hall, and on the fourth floor of Moffitt Library. Free, drop-in assistance from trained student technicians is available to all undergraduate and graduate students for issues including:
- Troubleshooting laptop, phone, and iClicker problems
- Resolving WiFi and connectivity issues
- Installing free campus software
- Removing viruses and malware
- Finding printing resources
For more information, visit the Student Technology Services site for days and times or email
Faculty + Student Computing Systems Support
Faculty Desktop Support &
Computer Lab Manager
485 Bauer Wurster Hall
(510) 292-3556 -
Systems Administrator
Systems Administrator
485 Bauer Wurster Hall
Computing FAQ
- How do I set up a computing account?
- I have a computer account, why can’t I log into the CED computers?
- How do I find free or low-cost software?
- What software is available?
- Where do I go if I have a problem related to a CED computer or system?
- Can I get online training?
- How do I choose a laptop?
- When does my CalNet account expire?
Students: A student computer account provides 24/7 access to the computer labs, access to studio computers, scanners, and printers/plotters that are distributed throughout Bauer Wurster Hall. Setting up a computing account is done by first creating a CalNet identity, and getting a campus ID card. Once the Cal1card and identity have been obtained, go to the Student Technology Center in 477 Bauer Wurster Hall (in the south tower) to sign up and pay fees. The staff will create a computer and print accounts for your, as well as access to building and other facilities. CED’s computing account allows 24/7 access to computer labs and all equipment in those labs and studios, plus access to the Rendering Farm, Cloud Printing, and access to the PaperCut print system.
Staff Computing: Please contact Campus Shared Services.
Faculty Computing: Please use CED’s Help Desk to contact our Faculty IT support person.
If you are not able to log on to your new CED computer account, it is most probably due to a CalNet sync problem (CalNet stores pass phrases in two independent secure systems and attempts to keep them synchronized but sometimes they get out of sync). Follow the steps on the CalNet Account Manager page to sync your passphrase. Upon completion you should get a message that says “Congratulations.” You should then be able to log in to the CED lab and studio computers. If you still encounter problems logging in after syncing, then please go to the Student Technology Center, 477 Bauer Wurster Hall, for further assistance.
Links to campus and vendor free software: Campus Provided Software and Educational Software Downloads.
Student Personal Devices: For your own personal devices (laptops, phones, etc.), go to Berkeley Student Technology Services,located on the fourth Floor of Moffitt Library, or contact the Student Help desk at (510) 642-HELP (Mondays–Fridays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.) or
CED-Suppported Student Equipment or Systems: For network, printing, or student computer problems in the CED computer labs, studios, and lounges, submit a Help Desk ticket. If you are reporting an issue related to studios, please indicate which floor, which computer or printer/plotter, and describe the problem with enough detail that we can come to the area prepared to fix the problem.
CED Staff: Please contact Campus Shared Services.
CED Faculty: Please use CED’s Help Desk to contact CED’s Faculty IT support person.
Some online training is available for software and we have added links to the most often requested ones.
- Decide what applications you are most likely to use: the suites (Adobe, ESRI (GIS), AutoDesk) or individual packages like Rhino or Maya. Go to those specific websites and search on “system requirements.” This will lead you to links that detail what your computer system should be in order to adequately operate their software.
- If you decide on a Mac, just know that some software only runs on Windows, so you will need to “Window-ize” your Mac with BootCamp or VMWare or Parallels.
- Make sure your network/wireless card is a combo, capable of 2.4 and 5 gHz wireless connections. Do not get a less expensive 2.4 gHz wireless card as you will experience network issues.
- Add as much memory as you can afford.
- Consider purchasing a more expensive solid state hard drive for speed.
- Have a flash drive or external hard drive for when you create things in the computer lab you then want to work on from your personal laptop.
- Sign up for a cloud drive solution and keep your data on the cloud. Campus offers BOX.
Your CalNet expires once no longer eligible for a CalNet identity, such as when you graduate. There is a grace period that will allow you to continue to access limited services (such as bMail and bCal). You will receive an email notifying you that your account is about to expire and what needs to be done to move or continue your accounts. A sample of expiration dates are below, but here is a link to the full list of current grace periods.
Faculty, Staff, Emeriti, PostDocs: 90 days
Students: 274 days
CED Retirees: 30 days, but you may continue service if you enroll with the Retirement Center retiree bMail services.