Jul 8, 2019
EDA utilizes NEH Grant to celebrate Professor Walter Hood’s work
The Environmental Design Archives is preserving the projects and designs of former chair of Landscape Architecture, Walter Hood for future generations of scholars interested in the impact of Hood’s design on the environment.
May 15, 2019
Iryna Dronova awarded California Delta Stewardship Council Grant for wetland restoration
Iryna Dronova was part of a multi-institutional research team that was awarded a major grant from California’s Delta Stewardship Council last month
May 7, 2019
Gail Brager to lecture on sustainable design for sensory experience at the Technion in Israel
Professor of Architecture Gail Brager will be giving a lecture, “Sustainable Design for Sensory Experience,” at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, on May 20.
Mar 28, 2019
Carol Galante on the impact of modular building in affordable housing
Terner Center for Housing Innvoation and Professor of Affordable Housing and Urban Policy Carol Galante provides insight on the potential impacts of modular housing on affordable housing projects in a feature on ArchDaily.
Mar 26, 2019
Bringing “resilience” to Norway: Landscape architecture’s Scandinavian influence
Vaar Bothner and Taran Aanderaa reflect on their time as exchange students at CED from Norway.