Careers + Work Opportunities
It’s never too early to start researching career options, making connections with alums and other professionals, and developing materials to promote yourself. By starting early, when you’re ready to pursue opportunities, it won’t seem like such a daunting task.
At CED, you’re already surrounded by a vibrant community of design and planning firms, many with ties to the faculty and alums. While many of our graduates work in design and planning, others have gone on to develop careers in areas such as medicine, law, real estate development, acting, and teaching. There’s no limit to what you can pursue as a CED graduate.
Search for Internships + Jobs
Search listings in Handshake, the powerful recruiting platform for UC Berkeley students and alumni. Handshake uses cutting edge technology to help you more easily connect with employers and source jobs, internships, event information, and on-campus recruiting opportunities.
Explore Career Paths
- Architecture
- Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
- City & Regional Planning
- Sustainable Environmental Design
Job and Internship Opportunities
- American Institute of Architecture
- AIA East Bay and AIA San Francisco
- Archinect
- Indeed.com
- Idealist.org
Architecture News and Community
Licensure and Career Development
Job and Internship Opportunities
Landscape Architecture News and Community
- Planetizen
- World Landscape Architect
- Landzine
- The Dirt – Information and discussion on uniting the built and natural environments
- The Field – Professional landscape architect network
- The Cultural Landscape Foundation – Stewardship through education
Job and Internship Listing
- American Planning Association: Jobs and Careers
- Northern California American Planning Association
- USAJobs
- Careers in Government
- Bay Area Progressive Database
- Idealist.org
- Planetizen | Jobs
- Streetsblog Jobs
Local Bay Area Organization
- Association of Bay Area Governments – The regional planning agency for the Bay Area
- SPUR – A San Francisco– and San Jose–based public policy think tank whose mission is “to promote good planning and good government.”
- Urban Ecology – San Francisco organization dedicated to using planning, design, and policy to create sustainable and fair neighborhoods.
- Urban Habitat – Oakland organization dedicated to empowering low-income communities through research, advocacy, and coalition building.
National and International Organizations
- American Planning Association – APA brings together practicing planners, citizens, and elected officials who are committed to making great communities happen.
- Project for Public Spaces – a nonprofit dedicated to promoting community-building public spaces
- Urban Institute – an economic and social policy research organization
- Urban Land Institute – The Urban Land Institute provides leadership in the responsible use of land to enhance the total environment. Issues include finance, housing, transportation, and urban revitalization
- United Nations HABITAT – The U.N.’s Human Settlements Program. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities, with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all
Job and Internship Listings
Local Bay Area Organizations
- SPUR – a San Francisco–and San Jose–based public policy think tank whose mission is “to promote good planning and good government”
- Urban Ecology – San Francisco organization dedicated to using planning, design, and policy to create sustainable and fair neighborhoods
- Urban Habitat – Oakland organization dedicated to empowering low-income communities through research, advocacy, and coalition building
Meet with a Career Counselor
Career CounselorMake an appointment with Dinorah to discuss possible career and education paths; job and internship search advice; resume, cover letter or LinkedIn profile development; alumni mentorship, interview practice, or applying to grad school.
Be sure also to attend the Spring Architecture & Environmental Design Career & Internship Fair and other professional development workshops offered by Berkeley Career Engagement.