Jul 3, 2023
African Ancestors Memorial Garden designed by Walter Hood opens in Charleston
The public park and garden surrounding the new International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina, is a sacred space that pays homage to the profound history of the African diaspora.
Jun 20, 2023
Rising groundwater threatens thousands of toxic sites in the Bay Area
Sounding the alarm on the looming threat right beneath our feet, a new study reveals more than 5,200 Bay Area sites vulnerable to rising groundwater.
Jun 14, 2023
Motivating Factor: Faculty couple gives beyond the classroom
Award helps graduate students plan healthier, greener, and more equitable neighborhoods.
May 31, 2023
Reconnecting big rivers in Mississippi and California
A multiyear collaboration between the Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and Jackson State University in Mississippi is bringing students together to address flood mitigation and enhanced river access along Jackson’s Pearl River and California’s Sacramento River.
May 30, 2023
Distinguished Alumni Awards 2023
CED honored four distinguished alumni at this years’s Commencement: Joseph O. Wong, Miriam Chion, Clark H. Wilson, and ZHU Pei.