MS – History, Theory, and Society Alums
Following is a list of MS History, Theory, and Society alums and their masters topics. You can also refer to the list of PhD alum dissertations for a broader range of research topics.
- Kent Johnson – Architecture on the Periphery & People at the Center: Episodes from L.A.’s Low-Income Housing
- Anthony Reyes – Queer Remembrance: Political Motivations in Monuments and Memorials Advisors: Andy Shanken and Greig Crysler
- Samuel Shpall – Architectural Education (un)Bound: Crossings Between Design, Research, and Representation
- Chandra Laborde – Spiritual Environmentalism in Druid Heights: Between Preservation and Composting
- Erica Vinson – Air Management in the Domestic Interior
- Sunyoung Lee – The Utilization of Visual and Multi-sensorial Technology in Architecture for Engaging with the Visitor
- Monica Lamela Blazquez – Rave Assemblages: Itineraries of Leisure in Post-Franco Spain
- Nicole Donna Santiago – A History of the Modern American Architectural Archive in Two Case Studies
- Schools Without Walls: Redefining the Architecture of Learning in Postwar Elementary Schools in the United States, 1945-1975 – Michelle Sunyoung Min
- Landscapes of Domestic Labor: gender, race, and power in La Condesa – Tania Osorio Harp
- A Temporary Utopia: Leatherdyke Space – Kara Morgan Plaxa
- Sedentary: A Critique of Task Chair Geometries and Culturally Enforced Sitting in Classrooms and Offices – E.J. Rosen
- Blight and the Younger City: Unraveling the Motives and Methods of Redevelopment – Alexander Craghead
- One Fabric, Different Scales, Multiple Agents: The Case of Cabucu de Cima, Sao Paulo Brazil – Giuseppina Forte
- Architectural Lighting and Circadian Health: Developing a Framework for a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) – Antony Kim
- Street Spectacle: Fremont’s Festival of India Parade and the Transformation of a Silicon Valley Suburb – Anisha Gade
- The Birth of a Mega Spectacle: Theme Park Temples in 21th Century India – Swetha Vijayakumar
- Lost in the City: Missing Persons and Unidentified Bodies in Nineteenth-Century New York – Jessica Brown
- Altering the “Socialist” Facade: Personal Property and Residents’ Appropriation of Balconies – Ioana Chinan
- California canneries and women’s work, 1910’S TO 1930’S: The case OF Emeryville’s Del Monte Plant #35 –Amelia Brooke Ritzenberg
- Reconstruction of National Identities in “Trapped Spaces” of Memory: The Case of Iran-Iraq War – Shahrzad Shirvani
- The Interplay Between Historic Preservation Theory, Practice, and Policy in the Effort to Preserve Two Bay Area Working-Class Neighborhood Bars – Stacy Farr
- Up Close and Personal: Architectural Digest, Angelo Donghia, and the New Idiom of Intimacy – Eva Hagberg
- The Myth of Karbala: Socio-Political and Spatial Practices in contemporary Tehran – Ayda Taghikhani Melika
- Furniture, Eye Level and Communication – Corey Daniel Schnobrich
- The Reinvention of Amman: Heritage-conservation, Privatization and consumer Modernity – Eliana Mohammad Abu-Hamdi
- Deep Energy Retrofits Ten California Case Studies – Jeremy Osiris Fisher
- Historicizing the Housing Problem and Social Housing Producton in Morocco – Anna Gloria Goodman
- Haret Hreik and Al-Saha Traditional Village: Case Studies in the Lebanonization of NGO’s within Hezbollah’s Islamic Milieu (al-haha al-Islamiyya) – Paola Kaia Rizzuto
- Collecting Occupant Presence Data for Use in Energy Management of Commercial Buildings – Benjamin Rosenblum
- Reading the “Muslim Space” in Bombay Through Cinema – Aravind Unni
- The Impact of Gender in Shaping Mall Spaces in Kuwait –Amina Yousef Al-Kandari
- The Effect of Local Neighborhood Spaces on Sociability and Trust in Diverse Neighborhoods – Orit Ben Assa
- Cuzco (re) Imagined through Narratives of Power, Conquest, and Commodification – Catherine Elizabeth Covey
- The Never-Finished Starter Home: A Case Study of Concord Park, a California Suburb, 1950-2010 – Marilyn Ruth Novell
- Reimag(in)ing a Soviet City: New Construction and Disruption of the Soviet Urban Order in Dushanbe, Tajikistan –Shawhin Roudbari
- 2000–2009
- 1990–1999
Extra-legal Housing of Low Income Population in Damascus: Emerging Solutions for current Reality
Alia Alkhayer
Graduation Date: 2009
Intelligent Home Care Environments for the Elderly (backdate to 12/19/2009)
Hsin-Hsien Chiu
Graduation Date: 2009
Baghdad’s New Geography: The Spatial Practices of Sectaria Politics, 2003-2007
Mona Damluji
Graduation Date: 2009
Alien and Distant: Rem Koolhaas on Film in Lagos, Nigeria
Joseph Michael Godlewski
Graduation Date: 2009
Architectural Taste and Status: an Exploratory Survey
Georgia Lucille Lindsay
Graduation Date: 2009
Between Architecture and Advertising L. Morgan Yost, FAIA
Jonathan Yorke Bean
Graduation Date: 2008
Building Memory and State Legitimacy: Commemorative WWII Architecture in the Former Yugoslavia
Shannon Elizabeth Brown
Graduation Date: 2008
Sustainability Practices in Egypt: An assessment of Contemporary Low Energy Design Practices
Karim Omar Abdel Aziz El Gendy
Graduation Date: 2008
Heritage and the (in) visibility of History in Basseterre, St. Kitts-Nevis
Lavina Olomay Cecelia Liburd
Graduation Date: 2008
The Village Ideal: Spatializing Reform in Angelo-American Planning
Susanne Elizabeth Cowan
Graduation Date: 2007
The Corner of Cope Street: Maximizing and Ensuring Choice Through a Socio-Spatial Community Development Practice
John Delthelbert Goins III
Graduation Date: 2007
Graphic Representations of the Design Process in Architecture: Diagramming Rural Social Housing Projects in Chile
Fernando Enrique Herrera
Graduation Date: 2007
The Development Paradox in Cheonggyecheon Restoration
Yieheerah Yun
Graduation Date: 2007
From Scattered Remnants to National Park: Rosie the Riverter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park and the Reinterpertation of Richmond, California
Kimberly Jeanette Butt
Graduation Date: 2006
Children in Media Environment
Chung On Kim
Graduation Date: 2006
The Remittance House: on the Cultural Landscapes of MExican Migrancy
Sarah Lynn Lopez
Graduation Date: 2006
“Today it feels good to be an African” Neoliberal Landscapes in (post)-Apartheid South Africa
Mpho Matsipa
Graduation Date: 2006
Neoliberal Fashioning: Urban Governance and Urban Space in Globalizing Bangalore
Kamya Ramachandran
Graduation Date: 2006
The Veiled Landscape of Service: Removing, Screening and Masking Worker Housing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Sarah Coston Sabiston
Graduation Date: 2006
Africa’s Strange Modernity: Understanding Space in African Cities
Tadd Jonathan Andersen
Graduation Date: 2005
Skateboarding in the Gentrifying City: Redevelopment Plazas and Skateboard Parks as Sites Of Production
Erik Ocean Howell
Graduation Date: 2005
Today it Fells Good to be an African
Mpho Matsipa
Graduation Date: 2005
Farm House Living: The Political Economy of a Lifestyle
Vandini Mehta
Graduation Date: 2005
Communality and Indifference: A Divergence of Modernist Intent and Effect at St. Mary’s Cathedral
Steven Doctors
Graduation Date: 2004
An Integrated Digital Documentation Methodology to Support Archaeological and Architectural Recording and Analysis
John Ristevski
Graduation Date: 2004
Apartment for one: Single Women and Domestic Space in Popular Advice Literature, 1946-1962
Claire Tichi
Graduation Date: 2004
Hope Set in Stone: Rural Hispanic and Anglo-American Vernacular Architecture in the Purgatorie Canyon, Las Animas County, Colorado
Kathleen LaMoine Corbett
Graduation Date: 2003
Producing Urban Informality in Mumbai: Policy, Politics, and Practice in Jari Mari and Shantiniketan
Renu Desai
Graduation Date: 2003
Refracted Modernities: A Representational Analysis of the Arab World Institute
Julie Sinclair Eakin
Graduation Date: 2003
Transfer of Knowledge: A Study on Learning in the Beginner’s Design Studio
Eleni Paparizou
Graduation Date: 2003
Building the Homeland: Narratives of Violence and Aesthetics in the construction of Eretz Israel
Mrinalini Rajagopalan
Graduation Date: 2003
People and the Built Environment: Use, Appropriation and Personalization of Space in Spontaneous Settlements and Housing Projects in Mexico City
Elena Tames
Graduation Date: 2003
Innovations in Illumination at The Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915
Laura Anne Ackley
Graduation Date: 2002
Simulating Architectural Space
Daniel cunin Glaser
Graduation Date: 2002
The image of the simulated city: sim city 2000 and popular perceptions of the city
Amy Kristine Phillips
Graduation Date: 2002
“Traditioning”: A dialectical form of architectural preservation. A case study: Hanoi, Vietnam
Alexandra marie-louise sauvegrain
Graduation Date: 2002
Recreation on the wrong side of the tracks: working-class amusements in West Oakland, 1900-1930
Jody rae stock
Graduation Date: 2002
Regional Development and Vernacular Architecture in Rural Nepal
William Philip Duncanson
Graduation Date: 2001
Quarrying and Masonry Techniques in the “Twin” Basilcas of Roman Corinth
James Alan Herbst
Graduation Date: 2001
Artists’ and Artisans’ Live/Work Spaces: A Qualitative Study
Andrea Jean Montalbano
Graduation Date: 2001
Understanding the relationship between architecture, identity, and culture: jews and synagogues as a case study
Jon Robin Norman
Graduation Date: 2001
Collaborative Characteristics of Design Teams: A Criticall Literature Review
Tim Lewis Stockwell
Graduation Date: 2001
In the meaning of home: the courtyard house in Argentina (1810-1910)
Ana Laura Ruesjas
Graduation Date: 1999
Web-Based Communication of Design Information For Asynchronous Design Energy Evaluation
Beatrice C. Benne
Graduation Date: 1998
Urban Transformation: The Case of Iranians in Los Angeles
Marjan Ladjevardi
Graduation Date: 1998
Roomful of Blues: Jukejoints and the Cultural Landscape of the Mississippi Delta
Jennifer Lynn Nardone
Graduation Date: 1998
Homelessness and the Mass media: Ideology, spatial discourse and squatting practices in San Francisco
Alexander Patricio Salazar
Graduation Date: 1998
Kikuji ishimoto and the shirokiya Department Store: Forging a modern architecture
Ari Dov Seligmann
Graduation Date: 1998
The Presence and Protest of the 1932 Bonus March in Washington : A case study of Spatial Inversion
Jeremy Scott White
Graduation Date: 1998
Spatial perception in Virtual Environments: visual cognition gain with head mounted displays
Christopher Anthony Peri
Graduation Date: 1997
Post-War Reconstruction of Urban Identity at the End of the 20th Century: The Case of the Beirut Suq al-Tawileh District
Sofia Toufic Shwayri
Graduation Date: 1997
Knowledge Base of Building Components
Anna Timerman
Graduation Date: 1997