Minor in Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries
- About Architecture
- People
Degrees + Admissions
- Master of Architecture (MArch)
- Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD)
- Master of Science in Architecture
- PhD in Architecture
- Bachelor of Arts
- Minor in Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries
- Minor in the History of the Built Environment
- Minor in Social and Cultural Factors in Environmental Design
- Minor in Sustainable Design
- Concurrent Degrees
- Gallery
- Courses
- Advising
- About Architecture
- People
Degrees + Admissions
- Master of Architecture (MArch)
- Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD)
- Master of Science in Architecture
- PhD in Architecture
- Bachelor of Arts
- Minor in Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries
- Minor in the History of the Built Environment
- Minor in Social and Cultural Factors in Environmental Design
- Minor in Sustainable Design
- Concurrent Degrees
- Gallery
- Courses
- Advising
The undergraduate minor in Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries serves students majoring in humanities, social sciences, and a variety of professional fields.
The Program
The minor is intended to expose students to basic problems, cultural contexts, policy alternatives, and design solutions in the Third World. Students must take five courses in this minor to satisfy the requirements, with a minimum of 16 units. The minor is open to all majors at UC Berkeley.
Professor of Architecture
Faculty Advisor | 486 Bauer Wurster Hall | ashanken@berkeley.edu
Undergraduate Advisor, Architecture; Assistant Director of Student Engagement & Leadership Development
Staff Advisor* | 250 Wurster Hall | mbarbers@berkeley.edu
* For paperwork and basic scheduling issues.
- Guidelines
- Lower Division Requirement
- Upper Division Requirements
- A letter grade of C- or higher in ENV DES 1 is required to declare the minor.
- To declare, complete the College of Environmental Design Request to Declare Minor Form from the “FORMS + DOCUMENTS” page. DEADLINE to submit form is one semester prior to a student’s final semester.
- Each course used to fulfill minor requirements must be completed with a letter grade of C- or higher.
- Students must earn a 2.0 GPA in the upper division requirements for the minor.
- CED Students: Any course used in fulfillment of minor requirements may also be used to fulfill major and upper division CED non-major requirements.
- CED Students: Courses used to fulfill a breadth requirement may also be used to satisfy minor requirements.
- Students may apply the non-CED version of a CED cross-listed course towards the minor.
- Students may use up to two courses taken abroad to fulfill upper division minor requirements, with faculty approval of the individual courses.
- Students declared in a CED minor do not have priority in CED courses that satisfy a requirement for the minor. To enroll in courses, students must add themselves to the waitlist. A declared CED minor will be considered when the waitlist is processed. For non-CED courses please connect with the department of the course.
- ENV DES 1 (3) People and Environmental Design (a letter grade of C- or higher is requried to declare the minor).
A total of five courses must be completed as outlined below, with a minimum of two courses from each list; all must be completed with a letter grade of C- or higher:
List 1: CED Offerings
Three courses required:
- ARCH 170A (4) An Historical Survey of Architecture and Urbanism
- ARCH 170B (4) An Historical Survey of Architecture and Urbanism
- ARCH 179 (2-4) Special Topics in Architectural History (when topic relates to developing countries ONLY)
- ARCH 218 (4) Housing, Urbanization, and Urbanism: Design, Planning, and Policy Issues in Developing Countries (formerly ARCH 219A) (with permission of instructor only) or CY PLAN 231 (3) Housing in Developing Countries (co-listed)
- CY PLAN 111* (3) Introduction to Housing: An International Survey or ARCH 111* (3) Housing: An International Survey (co-listed)
- CY PLAN 115* (4) Urbanization in Developing Countries
- ENV DES 100* (4) The City: Theories and Methods in Urban Studies
- Students may propose additional CED courses not on this list. To request review please follow “CED Course Substitution and Curriculum Petition Process” on the “FORMS + DOCUMENTS” page.
List 2: University Offerings – Specialized Area Studies
Two courses required. In order for an alternative course to be considered, it must include content related to developing countries.
- ANTHRO 141 (4) Comparative Society
- ANTHRO 170-188 (4) Anthropology specialized topics
- DEV STD C100 (4) History of Development and Underdevelopment (also offered as GEOG C112)
- ESPM 155 (4) Sociology of Natural Resources or ESPM 155AC (4) Sociology and Political Ecology of Agro-Food Systems
- HISTORY 109C (4) The Middle East From the 18th Century to the Present
- HISTORY 111B (4) Modern Southeast Asia
- HISTORY 111C (4) Political and Cultural History of Vietnam
- HISTORY 112B (4) Modern South Africa
- HISTORY 113B (4) Modern Korean History
- HISTORY 114A (4) Medieval and Early Modern India to the Coming of the British
- HISTORY 114B (4) Modern South Asia
- HISTORY 116B (4) Two Golden Ages: China During the Tang and Song Dynasties
- HISTORY 116C (4) Modern China
- HISTORY 140B (4) Modern Mexico
- HISTORY 141B (4) Social History of Modern Latin America
- HISTORY 143 (4) Brazil
- POL SCI 139B (4) Development Politics
- POL SCI 141C (4) Politics and Government in Eastern Europe
- POL SCI 142A (4) Middle East Politics
- POL SCI 143A-B (4) Northeast Asian Politics
- POL SCI 144B (4) Politics of Divided Korea
- POL SCI 145B (4) South Asian Politics
- POL SCI 146B (4) African Politics
- POL SCI 148A (4) Latin American Politics
Studies (LATAMST), Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS), Development Studies (DEV STD), and Political Economy of Industrial Societies (POLECIS) may be used as substitutes provided prior approval of the faculty minor advisor is granted. To request review please follow “CED Course Substitution and Curriculum Petition Process” on the “FORMS + DOCUMENTS” page.
Graduate courses in subjects related to those on Lists 1 and 2 may be used as substitutes if approved by the faculty advisor.