CA K-12 Educational Infrastructure Investments
In 2012, UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities & Schools produced the report, “California's K-12 Educational Infrastructure Investments: Leveraging the State's Role for Quality School Facilities in Sustainable Communities,” which takes a comprehensive look at the state of K-12 school facilities in California by focusing on state-level policies and funding patterns. The Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) at UC Berkeley and the Center for Cities & Schools partnered to release "TOD 205 - Families and Transit-Oriented Development: Creating Complete Communities for All,” the seventh in the Federal Transit Administration-sponsored series of reports explaining the best practices of transit-oriented development. This guidebook illustrates why planning for transit-oriented development that serves families is important for creating truly “complete” communities and how such planning can be achieved in conjunction with school stakeholders.
Center for Cities & Schools: Jeffrey M. Vincent, Deborah L. McKoy, Mark Leinauer, Paulo Pisco. 21st Century School Fund (national policy advisor): Mary Filardo, Executive Director
California Department of Education