Frequently Asked Questions
For more details and official policies on the following, please visit our Undergraduate Policies Guide.
Undergraduate Advising
- How do I book an appointment with a CED advisor?
- Do I have to see the CED advisor listed on my CalCentral?
- I’m trying to make an appointment to see a CED advisor using CalCentral, but the system is not letting me. How can I make an appointment?
- I’ve been trying to book an appointment for a week now with no success. How can I connect with a CED advisor?
To book an appointment, view the Weekly CED Advising Schedule on the CED website. The advising schedule is posted in two-week blocks, updated Friday evenings for the following two weeks. Appointments become available for booking a week in advance.
Advisors are available Monday through Friday from 10am-12pm and 1pm-4pm during fall and spring semesters. Our summer schedule is Monday through Friday from 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. CED Advising offers both in-person and virtual appointments as well as periodic drop-in advising.
All CED advisors are cross-trained and see all majors. Students can meet with any CED advisor.
CED Advising does not use Cal Central for appointments. To book an appointment, view the Weekly CED Advising Schedule on the CED website.
If you have viewed the advising schedule in the morning for several days in a row and are not seeing any availability, please email your assigned advisor to inquire. Please note, the first three weeks of every semester and during phase one of enrollment, the advising office is extremely busy and appointments book quickly. It is highly recommended students seek advising early and outside of these times to prevent challenges in making an appointment.
- Can I double major as a CED student?
- How do I change my major to another major within CED or outside of CED?
- I’d like to learn more about the student experience in my major or another major in CED. Who can I connect with?
- I’d like to pursue a simultaneous degree. How should I proceed?
No, CED does not allow double majors within the college. For example, a student cannot complete both CED’s Urban Studies major and CED’s Landscape Architecture major. Students can however pursue a simultaneous degree, the completion of two majors in two different colleges on the UC Berkeley campus.
Every major in CED has a Change of Major application. The eligibility requirements are different for each major. The priority deadline to apply to Urban Studies, SED, and Landscape Architecture is October 1 of the second year. The priority deadline to apply to Architecture is March 1 of the first year. As of fall 2022, the architecture major is at capacity.
Students who wish to change colleges to pursue a major outside of CED, must follow their new intended colleges change of college policies and procedures. Every college has different requirements and processes. Students who are no longer following their CED degree plan, should take the necessary steps to change colleges as soon as possible.
CED has student ambassadors who are current CED students in different years of study pursuing each of our CED majors. Students can email CEDambassadors@berkeley.edu and request to connect with a current student.
Students should review the lower division requirements for the major they are interested in by using the Berkeley Academic Guide. Students should also review each major’s college requirements, as the simultaneous degree requires both major and college requirements be met for completion.
Students should meet with the prospective major’s advisor to discuss the prerequisite courses required to declare, and receive guidance on appropriate course sequencing and planning. The number of prerequisite courses required to declare the major will inform when a student should begin taking courses towards their second major.
For more information, please view the “Simultaneous Degrees” section in CED’s Undergraduate Policies Guide.
- I’m interested in minoring. How do I integrate minor courses into my graduation plan?
- How do I declare a CED minor?
- I did not have time to complete my CED minor. How can I drop the minor?
CED minors: CED students interested in pursuing a CED minor should review the lower division minor requirements for the minor using the CED Minors page or the Academic Guide and look to incorporate requirements by their third year. Students typically begin completing upper division minor requirements starting at the end of their second year, beginning of third year.
Minors outside of CED: Students interested in a minor outside of CED should review the lower division minor requirements for the minor using the CED Minors page or the Berkeley Academic Guide. The number of lower division minor courses required for the minor will indicate how early a student should begin completing minor courses to be able to complete all requirements in time for graduation.
To declare a CED minor, students must complete the lower division requirements with a “C-” or higher and submit the CED Minor Declaration form online, located on the Forms & Documents webpage, prior to their final semester.
To declare a minor outside of CED, refer to the minor advisor and college process to declare.
Email CED Advisor Heather Grothjan at heather.grothjan@berkeley.edu to request a drop or connect with a CED Advisor during drop-in advising hours to request a drop.
UC Berkeley Registration + Enrollment
- CalCentral + Academic Holds
- Course Substitutions
- Late Change of Class Schedule
- Grading options (letter grades, pass/no pass, incompletes)
- Registration + Applicable Deadlines
- Repeating Courses + Semester Limit
I have an active hold on my CalCentral. How do I get it removed?
Click on the hold and follow the instructions listed. Please note, CED Advising cannot assist students with non-academic holds such as Financial Aid, Billing and Payment Services, University Health Services, or academic holds placed by other colleges.
My CalCentral says “I’m not officially registered.” What does this mean?
All students at UC Berkeley receive this message in CalCentral until they have paid applicable tuition and fees for the semester. Students should view their “My Finances” tab in CalCentral and pay all fees by the stated deadlines.
I’d like to petition a course to count for a CED major, minor, or college requirement. What is the process to do so?
Students should connect with a CED advisor to inquire about the feasibility of submitting an alternative course to satisfy a requirement. If an advisor confirms this as an option, students must submit CED’s Course Substitution and Curriculum petition to have the course reviewed.
I missed the add/drop deadline. Can I still add/drop a course?
Students are responsible for adjusting their schedule as needed prior to the add/drop deadline. Students who have extenuating circumstances for needing to change their schedule after the deadline can petition to do so by submitting a form on Cal Central.
What courses can I take pass/no pass? How many can I take P/NP?
American History, American Institutions, American Cultures, and one breadth course can be completed with a grade of a “P.”
No more than one-third of the total units completed at UC Berkeley, Fall Program for Freshmen, UCEAP, or UCDC toward the 120 overall minimum may be graded Passed (P).
What does it mean if I change my grading option from letter grade to pass/no pass?
Changing a course to pass/no pass means a grade of a “P” or an “NP” will not impact a student’s GPA. Students who earn a “P” will earn units for the course. Students who earn an “NP” will not earn units for the course. Most CED major and college requirements must be completed for a letter grade. Students are encouraged to meet with a CED advisor to discuss changing a course to pass/no pass prior to doing so.
What if I don’t agree with my grade?
Students must first attempt to address the issues they have informally. Students should inquire directly with their instructors to gain clarity around their grade. Students who would like to file a formal grade grievance must follow the Academic Senate Grade Appeals process. Further information regarding informal and formal grade appeals can be found here.
Do I have to complete all my seven-course breadth requirements by the end of my second year?
It is recommended students complete the majority of their breadth requirements by the end of their second year to focus on their upper division coursework their third and fourth years. However, this is not required. Students have until their last semester to complete all breadth requirements.
What courses can overlap to satisfy degree requirements?
- University requirements: American Cultures, American History, and American Institutions can overlap with CED breadth
- Lower division non-CED major courses can overlap with breadth (only two courses from the same department can count for breadth)
- Lower division CED college requirements can overlap with breadth (only two CED courses can count for breadth)
What courses cannot overlap to satisfy degree requirements?
- Upper division major coursework cannot overlap with other requirements except for CED minor coursework (if applicable).
- Upper division inside of CED, outside of major coursework cannot overlap with other requirements except for CED minor coursework (if applicable).
Can I take more than 20.5 units during a fall or spring semester?
CED advising recommends students stay between 12 and 16 units each semester. Students who wish to take more than 20.5 units must meet with a CED advisor to discuss eligibility.
Can I take fewer than 12 units during a fall or spring semester?
CED’s college minimum is 12 units. Students can be eligible for a reduced course load for the following reasons: Disabled Students Program, Employment, Student Parent, Graduating Senior.
What happens if I don’t complete an “I” grade by the deadline listed in Cal Central while I am still an active student?
The “I” grade will lapse to an “F,” and remain on the transcript. Students who receive an “I” and are unable to complete the “I” should meet with a CED Advisor to discuss their circumstances and potential options.
What if I don’t complete both halves of reading and composition by the end of my fourth semester?
Students who do not complete both R&C A and R&C B courses by the end of their fourth semester will receive an academic hold in CalCentral. The hold will prevent a student from enrolling in a future term. The completion of R&C will assist students in upper division coursework in their third and fourth years.
Can I take upper division courses as a first-year or second-year student?
CED recommends completing all lower division requirements including both halves of reading and composition prior to enrolling in upper division courses. Upper division courses are meant for juniors and seniors. It is not recommended to take upper division courses during a student’s first semester.
What happens if I repeat a course where I earned an “F, D-, D, D+, or an NP.”
After repeating a course, both grades will show on the transcript, but only the most recent grade will be calculated into your GPA. As a general rule, when repeating a course for the first time, it is the 2nd attempt that counts. This applies only to the first 12 graded units of repeated courses.
Can I repeat a course where I received a “P” or a grade of “C-” or higher?
Yes, however the student will not earn grade points or units for the repeat.
I would like to complete an extra semester as a single major. Is this allowed?
CED students must graduate in eight semesters as a first-year and four semesters as a transfer student. CED does not allow extra semesters. Students who have extenuating circumstances that may necessitate additional semesters can petition the college by submitting CED’s Appeal to the Associate Dean petition.
Outside Enrollments
- Concurrent Enrollment (Enrolling elsewhere during fall or spring semester)
- Study Abroad
- Transfer Coursework
I would like to take a course at a community college while taking a course here at Berkeley during the fall or spring semester. Can I do so?
Being enrolled at a university outside of UC Berkeley while enrolled during a fall or spring semester is called Concurrent Enrollment. It is not advisable to pursue concurrent enrollment unless there is a specific need or extenuating circumstance to do so. Students need approval from CED Advising for Concurrent Enrollment.
Do I need permission to take a course at a community college over the summer?
No, students do not need permission to take courses over the summer as long as the courses do not overlap with a Fall or Spring semester.
What classes must be completed here at UC Berkeley?
Once a student matriculates, the following courses must be completed at UC Berkeley: ENVDES 1, ARCH 11A, ARCH 11B, LDARCH 1, LDARCH 12.
I would like to study abroad, when should I start planning?
Study abroad programs can have deadlines up to 10 months in advance. Therefore, it is recommended to begin your research a year in advance to be aware of deadlines and to create a feasible graduation plan.
What degree requirements can I complete while studying abroad?
Students can view CED’s pre-approved list of study abroad courses, the majority of which apply to CED’s Upper Division Inside of CED and Outside of Major college requirement. Additionally, students can attempt to complete courses to satisfy CED’s breadth requirements, major and minor requirements.
How do I have study abroad courses evaluated to count for a specific requirement?
Students must submit CED’s Course Substitution and Curriculum Petition. The petition requires a syllabus for courses to be reviewed.
I’m a declared Architecture major, what should I be aware of when choosing a program during the spring semester of sophomore year?
First-year students planning to study abroad in their sophomore year are responsible for making sure their study abroad program does not conflict with the start date of ARCH 11B during the summer at UC Berkeley.
If I plan to take a course at a community college over the summer, how do I know what courses I can take that will satisfy a degree requirement?
Students attending a California community college must use Assist.org to view articulated and transferable courses.
Students attending community colleges outside of California can submit their courses for review to meet a specific requirement using CED’s Course Substitution petition.
I completed a course at a community college over the summer. How do I transfer the course back to Cal?
Students must submit official transcripts to have courses transfer to UC Berkeley. Students are encouraged to request official transcripts be sent electronically to busops@berkeley.edu however, transcripts can also be sent via mail or delivered in person. For more information, please visit our campus central evaluation unit.
Do my grades completed at a community college factor into my UC Berkeley GPA?
No, community college grades do not factor into your UC Berkeley cumulative GPA.
I sent in my official transcript for courses I completed elsewhere, how can I view my courses once they have been processed?
Once UC Berkeley receives and processes a students transcript, courses will be viewable in Cal Central on a students “Academics” tab under “Transfer Credit Report.”
I’m a new student in my first fall semester at UC Berkeley. How long will it take for my high school exam credits to post in CalCentral?
Transcripts and exam scores for newly admitted students are evaluated, processed and posted during the Initial Transfer Credit Review period. For students admitted in the fall, this period runs from June to mid-November. For more information, please contact the campus central evaluation unit.
Status Changes
- Academic Probation
- Cancellations, Withdrawal + Readmissions
I am on academic probation this semester, can I take a course as pass/no pass?
Students on academic probation are required to take all courses for a letter grade unless a course is only offered as pass/no pass.
I am experiencing academic difficulty in one of my classes. What should I do?
Students are encouraged to connect with their instructors and GSIs right away during office hours or request alternative meeting times if they are unable to attend office hours. The Student Learning Center (SLC) is a great resource for academic support such as study groups and tutoring. Students are also encouraged to meet with a CED Advisor for additional support.
I am experiencing extenuating unexpected circumstances that are negatively impacting me. What should I do?
Meet with a CED advisor as soon as possible to discuss your circumstances, resources and any options that may be available for support.
I just finished a fall or spring semester and I want to take next semester off. How should I proceed?
Students are encouraged to meet with a CED Advisor to discuss their plans. Students must submit a withdrawal request via CalCentral to cancel their registration for the following semester before the first day of instruction for that semester. The request notifies the university that a student doesn’t plan to enroll, the cancellation will drop all enrolled courses (if enrolled) for the semester, and a student will not be charged fees.
The semester has already started, can I still cancel my registration?
Once a semester has begun, students can no longer cancel their registration. Instead, students must submit a withdrawal request.
If I’m considering withdrawing from a fall or spring semester, what do I need to know?
Students choose to take a leave of absence from UC Berkeley for various reasons including but not limited to personal health, family health and responsibilities, financial obligations and academic exploration. Students considering withdrawal should meet with a CED Advisor to discuss their plans and review how withdrawal will impact their student status including financial aid, housing, fees etc. and review the process for readmission.
If I withdraw from a fall or spring semester, does my withdrawal semester count towards the semester limit?
A semester in which a student is withdrawn does not count towards the semester limit.
If I am withdrawn, can I take courses at UC Berkeley over the summer?
Yes, however in-active students must pay visitor summer fees while withdrawn if they have not been approved for readmission for the following fall semester.
What do I need to be aware of regarding the readmission process?
Readmission, unlike the admissions process, is not competitive. Students who left the university in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative & term GPA), clear all active holds, and submit required readmission paperwork by the readmission deadline are eligible for readmission.
- Academic Progress Report
- Graduation Deadlines
- Honors
If your Academic Progress Report (APR) is incorrect in any way (i.e. a completed requirement appears “unsatisfied”, a course counts for a breadth you didn’t intend):
Complete a CED APR Correction Form or Connect with a CED Advisor in an appointment.
My APR is showing I still need American History and American Institutions, but I believe I satisfied these requirements with high school courses or transfer course work. How can I inquire if I’ve satisfied these requirements?
Open a CSC case and the Central Evaluation Unit will investigate.
Can I participate in CED’s college commencement ceremony in May if I plan to graduate in the summer or fall?
Yes, CED does not have a college ceremony for summer or fall graduates. Students are encouraged and welcome to join the college ceremony in May.
I’m graduating next semester, what do I need to do to prepare?
Students should confirm all in-progress and planned courses for their final semester will complete all graduation requirements. To do so, students should view their Academic Progress Report (APR) in Cal Central on their “Academics” tab. Additionally, students should read through the “Seniors, Preparing for Graduation” module in the CED Undergraduate Information Hub and the CED Graduation Checklist.
How long does it take to receive my diploma?
Diplomas are mailed approximately 4 months after graduation. For more information, please consult the Office of the Registrar.
How can I show proof of graduation before my degree is conferred in CalCentral?
Students can request an Expedite Degree Checkout form through the Office of the Registrar. Follow the instructions under “Prove I Graduated Before Degrees Are Posted.”
How can I show proof of graduation to employers while I’m waiting for my diploma?
Once a student’s degree is posted as conferred in CalCentral, students can request an official transcript or a verification of degrees via the Office of the Registrar.
Do I need to apply for honors?
No, students who are eligible and meet required criteria will automatically receive honors notations on their UC Berkeley transcript.
What are the different types of honors and what are the criteria for each?
There are three types of honors including Distinction in General Scholarship at Graduation, Honors to Date, and Dean’s Honors List. Each type of honor has specific criteria.