H. Leland Vaughan Memorial Scholarship
The Vaughan Scholarship recognizes student leadership and participation in departmental activities. Students must submit an essay that describes their participation in departmental activities and a design project, and have a minimum 3.3 GPA in landscape architecture courses.
April 4, 2025
$3000 each to 1 Graduate and 1 Undergraduate Student
Eligible students are those who have completed at least two semesters in the Department of Landscape Architecture by Fall 2022, have a departmental GPA of 3.3 or above in Landscape Architecture courses, and have evidence of active participation in departmental activities such as committees, student affairs, and special programs.
Applicants should submit:
- Completion of at least two semesters in the Department of Landscape Architecture by Fall 2024.
- Departmental GPA of 3.3 or above in Landscape Architecture courses.
- Evidence of active participation in departmental activities such as committees, student affairs, and special programs related to the Landscape Department must be shown.
- Submit a project you completed in the Landscape Program at Berkeley. Choose 1 option from:
- A term paper
- Design project such as model or digital work completed while at LAEP (encourage students to recycle previous work)
- Or other evidence that shows ability in landscape design or environmental planning. Digital copies are acceptable; no need to re-print work.
- Note: Work must have been individually executed; no teamwork is permitted. The size must be portable. Please no oversize foam boards (2 x 3′ maximum).
- Statement describing your service to the LAEP department.
- Upload all materials to: https://forms.gle/8vFhXYkdpVQgPc8N7
Please note: Federal financial aid regulations require that all awards received by a student cannot exceed their financial aid need as determined by a congressional formula. It is possible, therefore, that the cash award for a Prize could reduce some component of a needy student’s package of financial aid awards. In these cases, the Financial Aid Office attempts first to reduce loan or work aid; fellowships, grants or scholarships are only reduced as a last resort. Regardless of your financial aid situation, the IRS views fellowships, grants or scholarships that are not directly applied to tuition or other educational expenses as taxable income.
Professor Leland Vaughan taught in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Berkeley from 1930 to 1969. He was a skillful teacher and administrator and served as the Chair for fifteen years. His personal warmth and wisdom were enjoyed and appreciated by hundreds of students who passed through the department during his tenure at Berkeley. Professor Vaughan’s interests in planning, conservation, and design gave him a wide circle of friends and colleagues, many of whom were brought in to teach in the department which was the central focus of his life’s work.
Upon his death in 1974, the Northern California Chapter of the ASLA raised funds from alumni, professional colleagues, and friends to establish a memorial award administered by the department. Awards are given to students who have demonstrated both academic distinction and active participation in departmental affairs.