Eisner Prize in Landscape Architecture
The Eisner Prizes in the Creative Arts are the most distinguished awards in five departments of the University: English, Music, Art, Dramatic Art, and Environmental Design. This year the amount allocated to Landscape Architecture is $2,000. The awards will be made for outstanding creative achievement in landscape architectural design. The award is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in landscape architecture.
Friday, Mar. 7, 2025 by NOON (12 p.m.) PST
Open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning at CED. Group projects and submissions are not permitted.
- Any full‑time student in Landscape Architecture, graduate or undergraduate, may apply.
- The department is only accepting electronic submissions, 100MB or less. If necessary, the department may ask the recipient of the Eisner award for a physical copy.
- Minimum layout size is 11” x 17” and maximum 36” x 48”; portrait or landscape. Do NOT include your name on your image.
- All work submitted must have been done while a student in this department and must represent a class project. Submissions may include work from a design or environmental planning as well as projects from other classes. Submissions do not have to be from landscape architecture courses. However, group projects are not permitted.
- The composition must fit on one page. No more than three images may be submitted on one page; however, drawings do not have to be from the same project.
- Upload via this Google form.
- The Eisner Prize is given for outstanding creative achievement in design. Submissions should have a theme and will be judged on sequential narrative — the art of “graphic storytelling”, originality, excellence, and imagination.
- Design includes landscape design, site planning, graphic studies of form and space, drawings and graphics, visual analysis, etc.
- You may submit one to three black-and-white or color images on a single page.
- Grade point average will not be taken into account.
- All entries will be reviewed anonymously. The name of the entrant will be omitted during the review. Only the title or theme will be disclosed during the review.
In 1963, Samuel Marks established an endowment of $250,000 for the advancement of the arts on the Berkeley campus, in memory of his stepdaughter, Roselyn Schneider Eisner, an artist and sculptor. The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Arts recommended the money be used to establish prizes in each of the creative arts.