Our Community’s Future: Restoring the creeks of Quito
To the ancient inhabitants of our territory, the quebradas (streams) provided essential resources for life, and by virtue of their importance in daily life, generated myths, customs and traditions. However, for decades, the municipal authorities of Quito considered them an obstacle to urban development. Thus, public policy promoted the filling of quebradas them to build streets and parks. Many quebradas were filled with garbage and debris, and their flow was dominated by domestic and industrial sewage during the dry season. The air, soil, and water contamination reinforced the need to fill them. Quito’s streams gradually disappeared, and with them, the opportunities of the citizen to keep and enjoy their natural surroundings.
Read the full report in Spanish and English here.
Joe McBride, Louise Mozingo, G. Mathias Kondolf, Daniel Collazos, Daniela Peña Corvillon, Lauren Hall Knight, Beck Lithander, Rebecca Sunter, Isaac Swanson, Dani Winston, Ricardo da Cruz e Sousaa
The Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and
University San Francisco, Quito
University of California, Berkeley
Read the full report here.
Joe McBride, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
G. Mathias Kondolf, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Louise Mozingo, Chair and Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning