Yiyi He
Network resilience, GIScience, Machine Learning
BA in City and Regional Planning, Nanjing University
MLA in Environmental Planning, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley
Yiyi He is a Ph.D. student from the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning program advised by Prof. John Radke. She received her bachelor’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Nanjing University and her master’s degree in Environmental Planning from UC Berkeley. She also works as a researcher for the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management at UC Berkeley. Her research focuses on climate-induced weather impacts on complex infrastructure networks. Her previous work involves using 3D hydrodynamic flood models to simulate flooding in the Bay Area under different climate scenarios and analyze the impact of both coastal and inland flooding on a multi-modal fuel transportation network. She hopes to bring environmental studies and network science together and utilize tools in data science and modeling to help identify network vulnerabilities to climate-induced extreme weather events and to help inform the development of contingency plans to increase network resilience.
LDARCH/GEOG C188: Geographic Information Systems (Co-lecturer)
LDARCH 12: Environmental Science for Sustainable Development (Graduate Student Instructor)
Best Student Paper (Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Annual Conference 2019)
Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study
Beatrix Farrand Grant for graduate research at UC Berkeley
Excellent Student Leader of Nanjing University
He, Y., S. Lindbergh, and J. Rakas, Characterizing Lightning-Strike Hazard to Airport Facilities: A Case Study of Baltimore Washington International Airport. Aviation and Climate Change, IEEE, Washington, D.C, 2019, p.8
Ju, Y., S. Lindbergh, He, Y. and J. Radke, Climate-related uncertainties in urban exposure to sea level rise and storm surge flooding: a multi-temporal and multi-scenario analysis in the San Francisco Bay Area between 2000 and 2100 and its implications for stakeholders, Cities, 2018
Zhu, S.J., He, Y., Research on the Characteristics and Influence Mechanism of Second-hand Housing Activeness in Nanjing: Using Kernel Density Estimation, Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015.6: Vol 17, No.6