Ecological design and site planning, energy cycles and recycled water systems, greenroofs and living walls, art happenings, and plein-air painting
Robert Glass is the founder of Space Open Studio, a landscape design and ecological planning firm based in Oakland, CA. He previously worked for Hyphae Design Laboratory, where he integrated landscape architecture with recycled water systems and civil engineering on a variety of sites, including public institutions, ecological preserves, hot spring resorts, and both single and multi-family residences.
Over the years, Robert has collaborated with many educators and alumni from the College of Environmental Design. In 2015, he co-curated Space Open, a multi-disciplinary group exhibition of artwork produced by landscape architecture graduates and professionals in the Gallery at Wurster Hall. His personal art practice extends from charcoal and ink figure drawing, to landscape sketching and haiku, to plein-air oil and watercolor painting - selected artwork is featured at Bobby Glass Paintings.
LD ARCH 1: Drawing a Green Future
LD ARCH 103: Energy, Fantasy, and Form
LD ARCH 133 | 233: Drawn from the Field
LD ARCH 135: Sacred Landscapes
Glass, Robert and Howell, Cecil. 2012. “Draw Here.” Ground UP Journal: Landscapes of Uncertenty - Issue 01, p. 107.
Glass, Robert with Bucknum, Brent and Preir, Meg. 2015. “Living Wall to Living Buildings.” Ground UP Journal: Out West - Issue 04, p. 50-52.
Glass, Robert and Khandagle, Gita. 2017. “Conversations in Paper.” Ground UP Journal - Issue 06, p. 70-75
Glass, Robert and Jones, Darryl. 2015. “Space Open.” Ground UP Journal: Out West - Issue 04, p. 20-21.