Elizabeth Deakin
Transportation policy, planning and analysis; land use policy and planning; legal and regulatory issues; institutions and organizations; energy and the environment, new technologies.
Elizabeth Deakin is a Professor Emerita of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley, where she also was an affiliated faculty member of the Energy and Resources Group and the Master of Urban Design group. She formerly served as Director of the University of California Transportation Research Center (1998-2008) and co-director of the UC Berkeley Global Metropolitan Studies Initiative (2005-2008). Deakin's research focuses on transportation and land use policy and the environmental impacts of transportation. She has published over 200 articles, book chapters, and reports on topics ranging from environmental justice to transportation pricing to development exactions and impact fees. She currently is carrying out a series of studies on urban development and transportation in China, Latin America, and India as well as in California.
Deakin has testified on several occasions for committees of the US Congress and for the California Legislature. She chaired the Congressionally-mandated National Academy of Sciences advisory board that led to the enactment of the federal transportation-environmental research program. She also has served as an appointed member of a number of government posts including city and county transportation commissions and a state advisory board. She is frequently called upon to advise mayors and city council members as well as transit board members.
She is a member of a number of committees and panels of the Transportation Research Board and is editor of the journal Transportation Policy, serving as well on the editorial board of four other journals. She also is an Urban Land Institute Fellow.
Deakin holds degrees in transportation systems analysis and political science from MIT as well as a law degree from Boston College.