Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund Awards Three CED Projects
The Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund announces award recipients every year for projects focused on education, arts, math and sciences, economic development and community safety. This year, the fund will award a total of $246,954 to 17 partnerships between local community members and UC Berkeley, students, faculty and staff.
These grants are awarded in two categories: community service programs that enhance the economic, social or cultural well-being of Berkeley residents; and neighborhood-improvement projects that enhance the physical environment of the city’s neighborhoods.
This year’s 17 partnership recipients were selected from a pool of 41 proposals totaling more than $1.2 million in funding requests. Three of the winning propsals are from CED:
A Parklet and Artlot for the Lorin is an inclusive community-based design-build process partnered with the Youth Spirit Artworks, bringing enduring improvements to public open space. Youth in the Lorin neighborhood of South Berkeley, around Alcatraz and Adeline, will engage new and longtime residents, exploring opportunities for art, entrepreneurship and community-building that values all Lorin residents. Priorities include pedestrian safety, creating spaces for art-making and gathering. This proposal was made under the supervision of Professor Ronald Rael.
Print Public is a creative placemaking project in partnership with the Kala Art Institute, that uses art installations, pop-up projects, print kiosks, and innovative acts of culture to activate San Pablo Avenue in West Berkeley. Artist teams are working with UC Berkeley faculty and students to develop distinct projects within the San Pablo transit corridor, creating an arts-integrated approach to urban planning and community activation.
Solano Avenue Business Improvement District Parklet Project will build a public parklet at 1853/55 Solano Avenue, providing new public space that stimulates a more active pedestrian presence and encourages shoppers and users of the avenue to stay longer and enjoy the community. Local merchants, a design firm, and two Boy Scout troops are project partners in addition to the Solano Avenue Business Improvement District. The fund recipient is Andrea Broaddus, a Ph.D. Candidate from the Department of City and Regional Planning.