CED Summer Programs now accepting applications for summer 2023

My experience exceeded my expectations. I was so pleased with how thoughtful my professors were and how engaging the work was. I came out knowing for sure that I want to pursue a master’s in architecture. — [IN]ARCH student, summer 2022
After a successful in-person summer in 2022, CED Summer Programs is gearing up for summer 2023. Applications are now being accepted for six different intensive programs:
- embARC Summer Design Academy, for rising high school juniors and seniors: July 3–28
- DISC (Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities), for current college students: July 3–August 4
- [IN]ARCH, [IN]LAND and [IN]CITY Summer [In]stitutes, for college grads: July 3–August 11
- [IN]DESIGN online program, for college grads and upper division college students: June 20–August 11
Students come out of these programs having learned a tremendous amount about the discipline and with confidence in their future career path. Alumni of the program also value the strong connections they made with instructors and peers — one [IN]LAND 2013 alum says, “I hoped to get a feel for what UC Berkeley had to offer, the school and the overall environment. I’d say the experience exceeded my expectation. I made so many connections with different students from varying backgrounds.”
All programs immerse students in studio design culture and teach foundational theories, techniques, and media design. Experienced faculty support students to develop competitive design portfolios and alumni of all programs move on to undergrad and graduate degrees in environmental design disciplines at top universities, such as Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Rice, University of Washington, and Yale, as well as UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design.
Successful applicants do not need previous experience in design, only a strong desire to apply themselves full-time into their chosen program. The eight-week online program distributes the same workload as a six-week program over a longer period, allowing students flexibility. International students are welcome in all programs. Visit the CED Summer Program website for more information and a link to the application.