1st Annual CED Day of Service
On a cool October early morning, CED and its community took to the banks of Strawberry Creek for the College's inaugural day of service. Under the guidance of EH&S Environmental Protection Specialist Tim Pine, the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program volunteers, and LAEP's Professor Matt Kondolf, nearly 100 volunteers uprooted wide stretches of invasive plants, safeguarding the creek’s watershed.
The restoration project intertwines with CED’s broader mission of external and internal community engagement and development. From across all departments and programs, students, staff and faculty successfully enlisted in improvements benefiting their literal and educational and societal ecosystems. Volunteers are encouraged to partake in the weekly restoration from 4-5:30p.m. as well as further upcoming restoration projects organized by the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program.
In anticipation of the 2023 CED Day of Service, the College also welcomes nominations of a local community or organization in need.