Linda Jewell
Design; site planning; urban design; sustainable construction materials.
The relationship between landscapes and structures fascinates me. In both my teaching and practice, I focus on landscapes where structural interventions -buildings, roads, walls, pavements, sculpture, bridges and other human made artifacts - are introduced into landscapes to create vivid landscape experiences. To better understand the dimensional scale of proposed landscape changes, students in my classes often experiment with full-scale construction and/or mock-ups of proposals and are encouraged to learn from built landscapes by measuring and accurately depicting these landscapes and their details in dimensioned drawings. Through visits to construction sites and manufacturers of construction materials I hope to instill in students a passion for how the knowledge of materials and the craft of construction can inspire and contribute to innovative design solutions.
Linda Jewell joined the faculty in 1991 after fifteen years of combining an active professional practice with academic appointments, including 4-1/2 years as Chair of Harvard’s Department of Landscape Architecture. Professor Jewell is a committed educator who has always kept a hand in practice. Her publications and design work have won numerous ASLA merit and honor awards, including the prestigious Presidential Award in Communications for her 10 years of Construction articles in Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM) and the 2008 Jot Carpenter teaching Medal from the ASLA.
The focus of her scholarship is in four areas: 1) the artistic role of landscape details and sustainable building materials in landscape design; 2) the relationship of landscapes and structures, particularly outdoor theaters 3) the interplay of drawings and on-site design decisions in the design of landmark landscapes and 4) the influence of published images and on-site experiences from other cultures on design practice. She has published more than 30 articles on landscape construction and design and has produced several exhibitions, including a traveling exhibition on American outdoor theaters that she is developing into a book. Professor Jewell is also a member of the Master of Urban Design faculty and teaches design studios, courses on sustainable construction materials, construction techniques, and the analysis of designed landscapes.
ENV DES 1 Introduction to Environmental Design LD ARCH 101 Introduction to Landscape Design LD ARCH 120 Landscape Structures: The Art of Landscape Construction LD ARCH 202 Design of Landscape Sites LD ARCH 226 Advanced Landscape Construction: The "Field Trip" Course LD ARCH 271 The Literature of the Landscape Architecture Profession Various additional studios
2011 Fellow in Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2011 Faculty Advisor, National ASLA Award Student Honor Award for Wurstershire Sauce, a collaborative design-build project 2008 Jot Carpenter Teaching Medal, National ASLA Award for Sustained Contribution to Landscape Architecture Education 2007 Bradford Williams Medal for the best article in Landscape Architecture 2002 Honor Award, North Carolina ASLA, for Symphony Park Amphitheater (with Reynolds & Jewell and William Rawn) 2001 Honor Award, New England Chapter, AIA, for Symphony Park (with William Rawn & Reynolds& Jewell) 2000 National ASLA Honor Award, Hartford Riverfront Platform and Theater (with Reynolds & Jewell, CJA and GBQC)
“A Matter of Inches,” essay in Tom Leader Studio: Three Projects, Princeton Arch. Press. 2010.
Jewell, Linda. “The Spirit of Stone,”(A critique of San Francisco’s Stern Grove outdoor theater and park) Landscape Architecture, February, 2006.
On-site Insight: The Artistic Merits of Facilitating Incremental Design Decisions in the Field. Landscape Review: New Zealand. 2005.
Jewell, Linda and Rasmussen Cancian, Steve. Keeping the boys busy: Outdoor theatres of the great depression: on-site, incremental design gives form to the complex relationship of site and structure. Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes. Taylor & Francis. London 2004. p 187-214.
Jewell, Linda. The American Outdoor Theater: A Voice for the Landscape in the Collaboration of Site and Structure. In Re-envisioning Landscape/Architecture. Spellman. Catherine. Actar Publications. 2003.