Rina Priyani
History of architecture and urbanism in the 20th century; National identity in developing countries; Ethnicity and territoriality; Colonial and Postcolonial cities; Politics of heritage; Collective memory; Southeast Asia; Indonesia.
Dissertation working title: “Remaking Bandung: Ethnic Identities, Colonialism and Building Practice in an Indonesian City”
M.S. in Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
B.Arch. in Architectural Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Certificate in Cultural Heritage Preservation, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO, Nara, Japan
L&S 25 Thinking Through Art & Design @ Berkeley: California Countercultures
ARCH 270 History of Modern Architecture
ARCH 180AC/ ES 181AC/ LS 185AC Prison, Big Ideas Course
Global Urban Humanities-Townsend Fellowships, Mellon Initiative, UC Berkeley 2017/18
Graduate Student Dissertation Support, UC Humanities Research Institute 2016/17
Fulbright Research Scholarships, The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation