William Otis Raiguel (1875-1941)
William Otis Raiguel worked in John Galen Howard’s office and assisted in preparing plans for some of the buildings on the University of California, Berkeley campus. The campus buildings he collaborated on include Boalt Hall, Wheeler Hall, Sather Gate, and the Campanile. Raiguel traveled extensively in western Europe, the United States, and Canada in 1905 and again in 1911.
The William Otis Raiguel collection includes correspondence, contractual agreements, and travel diaries. The correspondence, dated from 1909-1920, is between Raiguel and John Galen Howard and documents some of their financial arrangements. Three travel diaries completed on his trip to England, France, and Italy include sketches of architectural plans, buildings, and architectural details. The diary from his later trip around the United States, Canada, and Europe contains small photographs, itineraries, and a few articles and brochures.